When you go to the hospital, you expect to receive competent care. When that does not happen, the consequences for the patient can be devastating. If you believe that you were harmed by a medical professional’s negligence in a hospital setting, you need to reach out to a seasoned Rochester medical malpractice attorney for help. At DeFrancisco & Falgiatano Personal Injury Lawyers, we are committed to protecting the rights of New York malpractice victims throughout the entire legal process.A California woman who underwent an emergency C-section last year is now suing the hospital where it took place. In the lawsuit, the woman alleges that the anesthesiologist failed to respond to being paged, so the emergency operation went ahead without him.
The 26-year-old woman was 41 weeks pregnant when she was admitted to the hospital to have labor induced. After hours of labor, the obstetrician made the decision to call for an emergency C-section after the fetal heartbeat could no longer be detected. When the anesthesiologist could not be located, the doctor proceeded with the C-section, allegedly causing extreme pain and a burning sensation to the patient. According to the lawsuit, which names the hospital, surgeon, and anesthesiologist as defendants, the patient was crying and screaming at the top of her lungs because she could feel everything that was taking place.