In medical malpractice lawsuits, plaintiffs often rely on direct evidence of a healthcare provider’s actions or inactions when seeking compensation for injuries. But in cases with no clear records or witnesses to a critical moment in a patient’s care, the courts may turn to evidence of a provider’s established routine to assess whether proper procedures were followed. A recent New York decision demonstrates how “custom and practice” testimony can decisively impact the outcome of a malpractice claim. If you or someone you love sustained losses because of alleged medical negligence, speaking with a skilled Rochester medical malpractice attorney is essential to protect your rights.
Background of the Case
It is alleged that the decedent, who was injured in a motor vehicle accident, underwent an MRI at the defendant’s facility in April 2014. The plaintiff, acting as administrator of the decedent’s estate, later initiated a lawsuit against the defendant medical provider, asserting claims for medical malpractice related to the MRI procedure. Specifically, the plaintiff alleged that the defendant’s conduct during the MRI caused or contributed to the decedent’s injuries.
Reportedly, the defendant moved for summary judgment, seeking dismissal of the medical malpractice claim on the grounds that the MRI technician followed proper procedures during the decedent’s MRI. In support of its motion, the defendant submitted an affidavit from the technician who performed the MRI. The technician attested to his consistent practice of properly operating the MRI machine and securing patients, asserting that he followed this routine with the decedent. Continue Reading ›